I will never make it to Heaven

Today’s client told me that things in her life had gotten better since our last session.  She used to think that if she got too happy, something bad was going to happen in her life or to someone she cared about.  That had changed since our last session, and she did not feel guilt anymore for feeling happy.   Additionally, she was more calm with her parents, and was sleeping better at night.

For this session, she shared she had a long term feeling that no matter what she did, she would never be able to go to heaven.  She felt she was not worthy to because of many activities in her youth, including multiple pregnancies, abortions, and a suicide attempt.  Logically, she knew had changed the entire direction of her life since then, and even though she was successful in all aspects of her life, could not cast off the feeling.

While she spoke, I worked with her chakras and acupoints to help energetically support her body so she would not overwhelm.  Because of her Christian faith, I then I shared with her the story of when the woman who was taken in adultery was brought to Jesus (John 8:1-11).  I asked her how it might apply to her.  While she placed herself in the role of the woman because of her own past mistakes, I monitored her muscles to discover no stress came up.  I asked her how else she might connect with it, and when she started exploring herself as one of the crowd, her body began bringing up all kinds of stresses.

Acupoint Formatting identified we were working with the neurotransmitter Norepinephrine, specifically from the Locus Coeruleus and targeting her cortex.  While I addressed these stresses and others in relation to them, she continued to tap into the crowd’s perspective.  As energy within her began to shift and a lot of work occurred on both our parts, she had a series of realizations about herself ….

… she was ‘being smarter’ than God in making the decisions about her worthiness to enter Heaven.

… she was afraid to accept forgiveness, because if she did, then she would be able to die because she would have done what she was here to do.

… she was blocking her relationship with God by refusing to let him in

… she was not willing to move past her mistakes and learn from them.  She had been keeping herself in the past, unable to grow, and unable to ‘see’ the future as being happy.

From there, we moved into addressing an interaction between her kidney, gall bladder, and heart meridians.  Through that, she felt things shift and began to let go of the past, and instead accept new experiences for the joy they could bring, and the new wisdom mistakes would provide.

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