Your First Visit

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The following is a bunch of important stuff you want to know about and have completed before your first visit with us so that you can get maximum benefit from our time together.  If you haven't yet scheduled an appointment, please contact us to do so.


​Yeah, it’s needed.  But we do our best to keep it short.  Please download these forms and fill them out before getting here so we can quickly move through them and get to what's important (you).  If you do not fill them out in advance, then we will need to do it at the beginning of our appointment and it will reduce the amount of time we have to work together.  Either way, at the start of our first session, we will briefly discuss them, your goals, what we do, our policies, and then get to work.

Your First Session Issue

​You may already have an idea of what you want your first session to be about.  That's great!  But sometimes, clients have a huge list of things they want addressed.  Our suggestion to you is to look at that list, and identify the top three changes you would like to see in your life.  Knowing that will help a lot when we meet.  Typically, we will focus on one and dig into it.


" I wanted to give you an update!  I went to a basketball game last eve. With noo… feeling of argghhh for the first time I can remember, ever!  Also, the discomfort in my right lower back has not gone away but is considerably improved!  Thank You, for your help!  P.S.    The Titanic is now just listing to the side! "

What to Wear

Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is important.  Pants work better than dresses as acupoints across the whole body are used and it makes life easier for everyone.  Clean socks are a big plus as we will likely be touching your ​feet and face. Dress in layers since people often toggle between warm and cold depending on how energy is moving.  Dangling earrings sometimes get in the way.


Cost, Payments, and Location

​Please make sure to check out the pages about cost and payments, and our location in advance.

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