Release Techniques

Determining Which Technique to Use
Muscle monitoring is the best way to determine which release technique is appropriate. It allows the body to identify the safest, gentlest, and most effective method possible.
Effects of Using the Wrong One
This is critical as applying other techniques, may result in no lasting benefit even though they “feel good”. It also is a matter of safety as using the wrong technique may actually intensify an imbalance. This can drive the imbalance deeper into a person where it can become harder to access.
Acupoints exist all over the body, located at the place of least electrodermal resistance where a meridian surfaces from the body. Each point is unique in function and character. All of them can be used to affect energy flow in the body. Depending on what change the client’s body wants, different combinations of them can be used to induce an effect. Different energetic systems can also be affected depending on what a practitioner knows.
Physical touch is very powerful. In and of itself, it can trigger a response in the body that can be beneficial by affecting energy flow throughout the body or facilitating emotional releases within. In addition, specific points on the body are known to have specific effects on other areas of the body. Neurovascular and neurolymphatic points are two prime examples of this. Other points are believed to promote blood flow to different areas of the brain, strengthening the ability for “rational” thought and action in the face of stress.
Sound is nothing more than a frequency. The proper frequency wave in a specific place can have a desired specific affect. Typically this is to break up stagnant energy and enable energy to begin flowing again. Different frequencies or combinations of frequencies are used depending on where it is being applied.