Primitive Reflex Integration


Primitive reflexes are developed in the womb and “appear” in us as newborns or toddlers, and then “disappear” as we grow.  In reality, they are always with us, but have integrated and are not visible because of our advancing neurological development and growth.  Sometimes people fail to integrate these reflexes fully, or, in response to something (usually an intense, stressful situation), “unintegrate” the reflex so that it occurs again.  This is called “retaining” a primitive reflex.  This can have a significant long-term effect on our health and well-being because integrated primitive reflexes form part of the essential foundation of many of our more advanced neurological functions.

Our Approach

​At Meridian180, we are trained in a wide range of modalities in how to effectively support our clients who are struggling with primitive reflex integration.  We have found the quickest and most effective way to achieve this is by combining detailed energetic work with precise physical body work.  This essentially helps the person from the inside-out and the outside-in.  The energetic modalities of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology (NEK) and Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) are exceptional at destressing the relevant internal neurology.  And the physicality of the Masgutova Method, arguably the world’s best method sought out by OTs/PTs who recognize they need more to help their clients, is perfect for helping the physical body “get” what's happening.  This combination is necessary because of the complexity of these reflexes, and because the energetic and physical really need to be congruent.  When both the physical and the energetic are working together in the right way, the body is capable of quickly and easily taking care of itself.

Please understand that higher level learning abilities addressed in our Learning Enhancement Program, and our Primitive Reflex Integrations Program have a lot of overlap.  We weave these two services together as needed for each client to assist them in their personal journey to wellness.

Because primitive reflexes can be retained at birth or retained from stressful situations, Meridian180 provides two services relative to primitive reflex integration.


Infant/Toddler Primitive Reflex Observation, Destressing, and Education

It is recommended that all newborn babies have their primitive reflexes observed and destressed.  Many children who appear healthy at birth actually carry stress with their primitive reflexes when observed.  This is especially important for high-risk newborns as they often show abnormal responses of primitive reflexes, or lack a response entirely.  High risk examples include premature birth, C-section birth, birthing experiences with complications, births where epidurals were used, unhealthy pregnancies, or newborns experiencing any lack of well-being.

We observe your child in response to primitive reflex integration, destress any responses needed, and educate you as the parent in how to support your child in this.


Youth/Adult Reflex Observation, Destressing, and Education

Many youth and adults have been living with stressed primitive reflex integrations their entire lives and not recognized that they have been.  Others have likely known they have retained primitive reflexes because they are living with one of many disorders in which this is medically known to occur, such as ADD/ADHD, learning disorders, behavioral issues, processing disorders, Asperger’s’, Autism, Sensory disorders, Cerebral Paisley, dementia, strokes, etc.  Still others may have been doing fine with their primitive reflex integration until some traumatic event occurred which resulted in the reflex becoming activated again.  Regardless of this situation, all of these need to be addressed.

We help all of these individuals destress their primitive reflexes so their body’s natural healing ability can be at its fullest.  We also educate you as how to support yourself in this.



Our Expectations

Meridian180 expects that as you progress through our primitive reflex integration program you will experience significant and permanent energetic changes.  In most cases, the body then initiates some serious self-healing, and most people see their lives change quickly.  That’s our belief, based on all the previous work we’ve done with clients, and we hold to it until you prove it otherwise.

However…we don’t guarantee results.  We won't promise you any results or outcome about what will happen if we work together.  Because we are all unique, ten people can have the same situation for completely different reasons.  For some people, they find their body self- initiates change in their lives after one session; others find they need to work longer and harder for one of many possible reasons.  It is not possible to "predict" how many sessions are needed.  But most people feel steps along that path after every session.

For information on costs and schedule availability, please see the Session Times and Cost page.

For new client forms and information, please see the Your First Visit page.



Specific Reflexes

The following are some of the reflexes we work with, and common effects people may experience if they are retained:

Accommodation – vision issues

Amphibian – crawling, gross muscle coordination

Asymmetrical Tonic Neck (ATNR) – uncoordinated cross lateral movements, difficulty with thinking/memory/focus/attention/learning, turning body when turning head, difficulty throwing and catching

Babinski – poor balance, language delays, timidity, chewing, lack of grounding and stability, difficulties with gross and fine motor coordination

Babkin Palmomental – tight fists, stuttering and speech issues, excessive or insufficient facial movements, nail biting/pen chewing, dependencies, addictions, can’t walk and talk at same time, food sensitivities

Bauer Crawling – delayed turning over/crawling/walking, difficulty with academics

Blinking – vision issues

Bonding – codependent relationships, self-rejection, emotional fragility, isolation

Fear Paralysis – hypersensitivity, panic, anxiety

Flying and Landing – phobia of heights, unable to judge height and depth, impulsive jumping, inability to jump and raise legs, change in gravitation center causes fear/distress

Hands Pulling – poor arm muscle tone, trouble with handwriting and fine motor skill, speech issues and delays, poor socialization, tennis elbow

Hands Supporting – injuries from falls because cannot get hands out to catch self, poor boundaries, easily victimized, aggressive, bullying, too easily enters other’s personal space, head banging

Gag – response to foods, swallowing issues

Landau – poor muscle tone, structural and postural disorders, difficulty concentrating, depression

Leg Cross Flexion-Extension – hyperactivity, postural problems, inefficient movements, difficulty with stairs

Middle Ear – response to sounds, hearing issues

Moro Embrace – anxiety, timidity, lack of trust, adrenal burnout, weak immune system, allergies, poor balance, motion sickness, fear

Oculo Head Righting - visual perception, reading, comprehension and spelling

Olfactory – response to smells, nasal issues

Pavlov Orientation – fear of unknown, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, trouble with academics and learning

Plantar – difficulties with balance, posture, gait, walking, jaw tension, speech articulation

Pupillary Dilation – vision issues

Robison Hand Grasp – excessive pressure on pencil, finger fatigue, aversion to handwriting and fine motor skills, speech

Rooting/Sucking – problems with speech, swallowing, chewing, dribbling. Difficulty speaking and doing manual tasks at the same time, involuntary tongue or mouth movements when writing or drawing, hypersensitivity around lips and mouth

Segmental Rolling – difficulty in changing positions, flexibility in movements such a swimming, dancing, gymnastic.

Spinal Galant – abnormal walking, poor gross motor coordination, scoliosis, bladder issues, discomfort with tight clothes, ADHD, auditory processing

Spinal Perez – spinal deformities, delayed crawling and walking, auditory and tactile hypersensitivity, bladder issues, allergies, digestive issues

Symmetrical Tonic Neck (STNR) – eye tracking and reading difficulties, coordination of head with hand/arm/upper back muscles, quieting motor activity to engage hearing and vision,

Tendon Guard – excessively narrow or wide attention field, limited ability to act, compulsive, over-focused on unimportant details, chaotic, uncontrolled, impulsive movement

Thomas Automatic Gait – poor orientation in space, slow study pace, poorly developed vision perspective

Tonic Labyrinthine (TLR) – too tense or too relaxed body state, poor posture, delayed crawling/walking, poor perception of time and space, inability to stabilize head

Trunk Extension – tendency to bend forward or backward, toe walking, limited imagination, stuck in survival state

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